"Loaded with laughs, this Shakespearean parody is a head above the rest."
Click the head for Bios
7:30 PM, FRIDAY MAY 15 2020
7:30 PM, SUNDAY MAY 17 2020
"...who can argue with...a telekinetic living severed head...complete with on point supervillain laugh and deep stentorian voice? Seriously, don’t argue with Macbeth’s Head, he’ll use the force on you."
"Even if you only have an inkling of what these Shakespeare character’s backstory is, you will be able to appreciate their adventurous plot...All in all, a safe bet for something different, yet fun."
"All in all, Macbeth’s Head is worth seeing for its funny moments and well-written faux-Shakespeare."
The Scottish play, an ancient curse, and a disembodied head on a dessert trolley out for revenge – MACBETH’S HEAD – a new play (half in prose and half in original verse) is the story of Tim and Rupert who are playing Macbeth and Macduff in just another production of Macbeth…until Tim activates an ancient curse and awakens Macbeth’s severed head, who’s athirst for revenge on William Shakespeare for ruining his life.
The Head, using his arcane powers, enslaves Tim and Rupert, and then brings Space Pirate Cleopatra, gender bending Richard III, and Hip Hop Hamlet to life to help in his insidious designs.
It’s up to Tim and Rupert to stop the maniacal Head lest Shakespeare’s works are obliterated from the face of the earth forever!
Love the Head? Hate the Head? Tell us!
Like the show? Like free stuff? Take a pic of the show (NO FLASH, NO NOISE, NO VIDEO) and post it to your favourite social media outlets by a) including the date and time of the show and b) hashtagging us at #macbethshead, #longlivethehead and #malfiproductions. Whoever has the most posts/shares will WIN an 11x17 poster signed by the cast featuring Matt Melanson’s exemplary artwork.

But what if I come back AGAIN and post like mad? Well, for the return champion, we’ll also award a signed T-shirt with the logo!
Winners will be announced on the facebook event page, on Twitter, and on the website after each show, and prizes will be awarded by the cast at the Fringe Tent at Scadding Court after the July 15th performance.
The performers will come to Scadding Court for 7:30 PM and award the prizes and take a picture with the winner on his/her phone!
For winners who can't be present on the 15th, we'll find some other way to get you your prize!
† One poster per performance. Counts will be across platforms, so one post across all 3 platforms will count as 3. One T-Shirt to be awarded for the festival. Winners agree to allow Malfi Productions to use any photography or social media activity to promote future performances.
For any questions, please send an email to mightierproductions@gmail.com